30-Days of Paleo Recipes for Bachelors: A Cookbook for Men JENNIFER EDLUND Author

30-Days of Paleo Recipes for Bachelors: A Cookbook for Men JENNIFER EDLUND Author
Categories: Ramen Noodles
Brand: J.E. Publishing
0.99 USD
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Bachelors aren’t known for their cooking skills. Most single men are content to live off beer and ramen noodles day in and day out – only breaking their streak by ordering in a pizza or grabbing some takeout on the way home. Eating like that for too long can start to take its toll. You need to learn a few tricks around the kitchen so you can eat well but also eat healthy.I have compiled 30 recipes to help single men get a kick start on a 30 Day Paleo Challenge. All recipes are the most tastiest, simplest recipes that even a caveman can do it! Follow the recipes and guidelines and you will be amazed at what a super star chef your bachelor self can be.