Handmade from 100 % cotton this face mask is very comfortable, eco-friendly, reusable & machine washable. Elastic ear loop ties, that you can easy adjust & tie a knot to form a loop. Protects you from dust, pollution, pollen & other undesirable particles that may contain the air. Comfortably covers your face from nose to underneath the chin. Masks contain a filter pocket to allow an added filter inside the mask. Please understand, all face mask sales are final & nonrefundable due to sanitary concerns. Masks are NOT medical grade All masks are left untied so the wearer can tie to the comfortable length. Once the wearer has found the comfortable length, tighten the knot & pull the elastic back through the fabric to cover the knot. We recommend tying in a balloon knot. Adult masks finish at 7 inches cheek to cheek Kids masks finish at 6 inches cheek to cheek Adult Purple Cheetah Print Cotton Fabric Face Mask, Handmade Design Dust Blue