Appearances Wear Thin Whippersnapper Primary Artist

Appearances Wear Thin Whippersnapper Primary Artist
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: Fueled By Ramen
17.99 USD
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Although {|Whippersnapper|} would no doubt fit under the punk moniker, to leave it at that is such a great disservice. The Georgian five-piece does a great job of revolutionizing punk by meshing a mullet and a sleeveless shirt with a mystic wolf on it to the harmonies and progressive guitar stylings of Southern California punk. Songs like To the Third Degree and 23 Years both come out of the gate like some Hesher headbanger’s dream, but fall back into guitar parts built for a fan of Fat Wreck Chords. The two closest comparisons to Whippersnapper’s mix of melody and testosterone would be {|Rise Against|} and even moreso, Greyarea. Great singalongs with power and groove, these are the songs made for warm, sunny driving days. The lyrics are intelligent and well delivered. Andy Munn’s vocals are strong, somewhat throaty, and quite firm; they lose no time in finalizing the hooks the music delivers so well. An all-around quality album sure to please fans of high-octane punk with a need for some diversity and extra muscle.