Becoming An Expat in Cuenca, Eucador David Campbell Author

Becoming An Expat in Cuenca, Eucador David Campbell Author
Categories: brands, Campbell's
Brand: David Campbell
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Cuenca is a very eclectic mix of peoples and architectures perched in a bowl on the top of the Andes mountains in south central Ecuador. It is often mistaken for Valhalla, the home of the gods, I suppose because of its altitude - and of course the hype from promotional sites. But Cuenca is a very real city, with very real people and the normal amount of problems. As cities go, Cuenca does have a lot going for it. The people are, for the most part, friendly, open and warm. The middle class is growing rapidly and demand for more and better stuff is high. The climate is unexciting but relatively decent and the infrastructure is fair. Public transportation is excellent. Food is all right. Security and safety are quite good with a low crime rate. Cost of living is a bit high and rising. Health care is excellent. Traffic is congested and somewhat aggressive. Language is pretty much just Spanish. And, because of the altitude, there are very few bugs. Taken together, all these goods, bads and in-the-middles make Cuenca a nice place to live IF you can adapt to the Ecuadorian way of doing things. As you know by now, I’m not trying to sell Cuenca to you. Nor am I trying to sell you real estate, investments, or a service. I assume you already have read lots of websites and blogs about living in Cuenca and are just trying to put all those pieces into a completed puzzle. This book is designed to give you insights into our move to Cuenca, what we did right and what we did wrong. It should also give you a good feel for life in general in Cuenca, from the cold mornings and constantly honking horns to the warm afternoons and genuinely gentle and welcoming people.I hope you enjoy the book and I hope that it helps you to complete your puzzle.