Being Big Sister: preschool children 2-5 years old Priya Ram Author

Being Big Sister: preschool children 2-5 years old Priya Ram Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: Safala
3.99 USD
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Sibling: The best gift from parents and an extension of their love. This RHYMING book is a heart warming story of a girl named Lilly who is preparing to welcome her sibling and how she learns to gel with the baby. She is constantly trying to be of great help to her mom and a caring elder sister. The book also shows ways on how the older sibling can be more independent and confident by letting him assist in taking care of the baby. With cute and vibrant illustrations, it’s a story your little ones will want to read over and over again. Having a baby is both exhilarating and life changing process for a family . But inside the head of a child, there’s a roller coster of emotions trying to adjust with a new baby brother or sister. Most kids are enthralled, some elated and others nervous becoming an older sibling.