Black Lives Matter and Antifa: The Shocking and Dark Truth and When Protesters Become Terrorists Scott Campbell Author

Black Lives Matter and Antifa: The Shocking and Dark Truth and When Protesters Become Terrorists Scott Campbell Author
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Brand: Scott Campbell
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In June of 2020, more people searched the internet for “Black Lives Matter” than for “Trump.”The tragic death of ex-convict George Floyd on May 25, 2020, at the hands of four policemen immediately triggered 2,000 protests in cities across the United States and 60 other countries. It was almost as if Floyd’s death sadly arose from a pre-meditated murder. Was Derek Chauvin, the White policeman who put his knee on Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes, a hitman? What about his new $100,000 BMW and hundreds of thousands in undisclosed income? Was it the unfortunate death of a convicted felon and heavy drug-user, or was a professionally organized anti-Trump network just waiting to launch a street revolution to disrupt the economy and elections further?A White policeman had placed his knee on Black Mr. Floyd’s neck for about eight minutes, despite his utterances of “I can’t breathe,” which were audible to multiple people passing by with cell-phone cameras. This seemed a bit strange for a policeman’s behavior in the year 2020, given Eric Garner’s “I can’t breathe” became a rallying cry of black activists for police racism and brutality.Although there were 13 or fewer unarmed deaths of black men at the hands of white policemen in 2019, roars of “systemic police racism” and “institutional racism” shook the world. Equally, raucous looting riots plundered many businesses and caused hundreds of millions in damages and losses.Nearly the entire United States white population had been labeled “racist” once again by the Left, just in time to affect the June primaries and November elections.Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa led a charge to capture six blocks of downtown Seattle to create an “Autonomous Zone” with border walls and security– and entirely dependent on outside for food, sanitation, and law enforcement. They made standard DSA demands free this and free that for everybody, but mostly free stuff that would help black and brown people. Dismantle the police departments was another demand, even ban them forever. These demands matched up with the Black Panther and Black Liberation Army demanded decades ago and hinted at BLM’s true origins.Hawk Newsome, a BLM leader, stated that if they did not get what they wanted, BLM would burn down the system, another pattern of unity established with the Black Panthers.This book reveals BLM’s dark truth, a feminist group, whose idol, and role model proves herself to be Assata Shakur, a female felon, a convicted cop-killer, and an ex-Black Panther forty-year fugitive. It reveals how BLM formed, the founders recruited as mere puppets for larger, experienced anti-American and black activist power groups.This book explores the history of Antifa and its ideology and its main actions. It thoroughly examines the origin and nature of Marxism as arising from a foundation of Satanism directed against the Christian Church. Evidence that Karl Marx proved himself a Satanist follows the central themes.Black Lives Matter and Antifa showed us how they could work together in Seattle’s Autonomous Zone. They both are incarnations of communist goon squads for the Deep State. Domestic terrorists hire them. The goal is to oust nationalist, anti-globalist Trump and take over the entire US government and its people.