Blending Nation And Region: Essays in Honour of Late Professor Amalendu Guha Sajal Nag Editor

Blending Nation And Region: Essays in Honour of Late Professor Amalendu Guha Sajal Nag Editor
Categories: Soup Mixes, Soup mix
Brand: Ratna Sagar P Ltd.
79.95 USD
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Late Professor Amalendu Guha belonged to that first generation of historians in post-independent India who not just gave Indian history an identity but were also responsible for its decolonization, modernization and internationalization. When most historians were writing macro history, Professor Guha concentrated on regional history and brought into focus a region of India about which very little was then known—north-east India. Besides being an eminent scholar, he was a firstrate poet in Assamese, a fearless political activist, as well as a political theorist. He passed away in May 2015. In this commemoration volume to Professor Guha, eminent historians of India, his contemporaries, and a host of younger scholars who have grown up following his scholarship gather to offer a scholarly tribute to him through their own research which discuss, debate, discover and controvert a wide array of themes of Indian history.