Capitol Crime : Washington's Cover-Up of the Killing of Miriam Carey by Garth Kant

Capitol Crime : Washington's Cover-Up of the Killing of Miriam Carey by Garth Kant
Categories: Soups, Noodle
7.44 USD
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Miriam Carey became the black life that didn’t matter when she was gunned down by elite federal forces in plain view of the entire nation in front of the Capitol in Washington DC. When thugs Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were shot and killed in self-defense, the nation erupted with cries of racism and demanded justice. When convicted heroin dealer Freddy Gray’s neck was broken in the police van, the Black Lives Matter community became enraged to the point of burning down part of Baltimore. So what happens when, after mistakenly turning into a White House entrance, an unarmed mother with toddler in tow is chased by Capitol police who, when catching up to her, open fire on the car, killing the mother and barely missing the child? A riot in the street? A demand to punish the police? A deafening outcry for justice? No. Instead, after twenty-four hours of sensational news coverage characterized by outlandish falsehoods and misinformation, there follows a mysterious silence, with the mainstream media barely covering the event. At least one reporter, however, has stayed on the case with fierce determination to uncover the truth. Capitol Crime follows the dogged investigative reporting of veteran journalist Garth Kant, who after months of probing, questioning and filing FOIA lawsuits, finally put together the shocking pieces of the puzzle. Capitol Crime reveals what really happened that fateful day: - Miriam Carey accidentally entered the White House Guard post; - She did not ram and gates to enter the White House; - She did not violate any laws; - She did not flee but left at a lawful speed; - She was unarmed; - She was chased down; and - She was shot in the back despite having her child in the car. Discover how the Department of Justice and police have seemingly covered up one of the most outrageous injustices perpetrated on a US Citizen in recent history. Revealed for the first time in one place is the timeline of events, the evidence of cover-up, the harassment by investigators, the whistleblower - and the smoking gun. It’s time to get to the bottom of this massive cover-up. It’s time for justice for Miriam Carey and her family.