Chutzpah Scott Leopold Author

Chutzpah Scott Leopold Author
Brand: CreateSpace Publishing
5.38 USD
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Here it is 33 years since my Grandma wrote Chutzpah. She turns 90 on July 1, 2016 and I decided to republish her cook book as a surprise. A lot has happened since then so let me fill you in. Grandpa died ten years ago and I moved everyone to Austin Texas, including Grandma. I have 3 boys who are as much of a handful as I was when I was there age and Grandma has moved in with my ex wife! Grandma always tells me, I feel like the family pet only I cuss, smoke, and drink lots of wine! I live close enough for her to give me shit on a daily basis, which I actually love and will miss when she’s gone. The two of us like to sit in the driveway like true Hoosier transplants and drink Miller’s Light as grandma calls it. She tells me how she went from helping raise one grand kid in her 40’s to helping raise 3 great grand kids in her 80’s. When she starts bitching about how she was suppose to be in Florida somewhere on the beach I remind her that she would miss flipping me the bird when I come to get the boys. When grandpa Stan was alive the two of them would spend countless hours at the Off Track Betting bar downtown Indianapolis. On occasion I would even join them. After grandpa died, grandma was never the same and neither was I. I often miss the good times we had together back when life was simple. When I do I pick up Grandma’s cook book and relive the childhood I loved so much. Sometimes I even talk her into making me and the boys stuffed cabbage and noodle pudding. My favorites! That’s the wonderful thing about food, it not only sustains life, it invokes beautiful memories of family and friends. Let the following stories and recipes become part of the memories you make with those you love.