Cook Fish Like A Chef Dollar Ebook Store Author

Cook Fish Like A Chef Dollar Ebook Store Author
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Have you ever wanted to learn the right way to approach cooking fish? Do you avoid cooking fish simply because you do not know the right way to do it?While there is no denying the wealth of cookbooks currently on the market, most of them are sadly lacking when it comes to instruction in the preparation of fish.Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to discover the secrets to creating these delicious dishes. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to achieve the delicious items you’ve always dreamed of.Now there’s good news ….IntroducingHow To Cook Fish Like A Chef!How To Cook Fish Like A Chef breaks the mold of all the other cooking books you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you learn how to create the delicious dishes you’ve always wanted.Suppose you could finally make these delicious foods at home - simply and easily?Imagine being able to eat delicious authentic dishes; fresh from your own kitchen!Sounds too good to be true?It’s not and I can prove it with How To Cook Fish Like A Chef.But, first a word of introduction.A few years ago I found myself in a situation not too different from your own. After I married I desperately wanted to be able to impress my new family; all of whom were avid fishermen. The problem was that I didn’t have a clue how to get started in the kitchen when it came to preparing fish. Although I had given it a try on numerous occasions, it was always with dismal results.I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong. I had spent a ton of money on the best ingredients that money could buy but it didn’t seem to make a difference. I was determined to prove to myself that I had what it took to make these delicious dishes.The only problem was that I had no clue where to start.None of the books I had read on cooking had been able to solve my problem. Some might have passed on a helpful hint or two, but did not solve my problems. One night I commented to a friend that what I really needed was a comprehensive guide on everything to do with how to create these wonderful dishes!That’s when it hit me!If I couldn’t find a comprehensive guide on fish, then why not create my own? I was tired of flipping back and forth through tons of books for the few bits of information that could help me; but I reasoned that if I put all those little tidbits of info together then I might actually be able to begin understanding the secrets to creating successful fish dishesThe next morning I furiously began to read through all of the cooking books that I had purchased over the past three years and take down the pertinent notes. I didn’t stop there either. I swallowed my pride and enlisted the help of my neighbors and friends to discover what they were doing that resulted in such successful items.It took awhile to sort through all of the information I had gathered and compile the notes I received from the experts I consulted, but when I was finished I sat back and was completely stunned.Right here in front of me was the information that I had been seeking all along!From the notes I had taken from several articles on the subject of cooking, as well as my own experiments, I had comprised a comprehensive compendium on the subject of fish.“I sat back in stunned amazement!”It was all there!-How to Prepare Courtbouillon-The Secrets to Preparing Fish Sauce-45 Different Ways to Cook Bass-26 Preparation Methods for Bluefish-22 Ways to Cook Carp-6 Different Ways to Cook Catfish-67 Ways to Prepare Codfish-32 Ways to Cook Flounder-25 Ways to Cook Herring-15 Ways to Prepare PerchAnd so much more!