Covid-20 The Wuhan Plot Paul J. Brennan Author

Covid-20 The Wuhan Plot Paul J. Brennan Author
Categories: Soups, Sea Food
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The Chinese government doesn’t know how the Covid-19 virus started. After ten months of investigation, they ask for limited help to the US authorities. An American virologist is selected to join the Chinese investigation team. He was born in Wuhan to a couple of preeminent virologists who went to live in the US when he was ten years old. He has perfectly preserved his Chinese origins, and he is accepted to being part of the investigation committee. When he arrives at Wuhan he relives his childhood visiting his most beloved places, including Wuhan Seafood Market. He visits the Wuhan Institute of Virology to try to discern the reality behind the dense and obscure curtain built around the laboratory. What is he going to find? What is going to happen? The author exposes a lot of useful and detailed and contrasted information about the epidemic, its effects on human health, the very nature of the virus and the possible economic impact depending on its natural or artificial origin. The novel is based in fictional characters, but some actual ones are inevitably also portrayed, like President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump. The development of the narration yields astonishing results and unexpected ending. It’s difficult to so much information about the Covid-19 pandemic in just one book, only due to this is worth reading. The writer invites the reader to make a rigorous self-reflection about the epidemic and how we all should face our mid and long term concerning international cooperation. A new world has been born due to Covid-19. We all have a unique chance to build a better world altogether.