Cynical Cuisine Jason Gibson Author

Cynical Cuisine Jason Gibson Author
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Welcome to the more sarcastic side of cooking. Many people have grown tired of those happy happy joy joy books filled with recipes they will never use, that take too long to prepare and quite frankly just sit on the shelf collecting dust because they have no aesthetic quality within their pages what so ever. Times are changing and you have had the unique opportunity to pick up the darkest cook book created to date. The book in which is so devious and in your face that the author had to place in a disclaimer, please make sure to read it before you continue otherwise the pages of this book will forever become seared into your retina. Having said that, get up off your ass, get in the kitchen and do the work. This book is the perfect compilation of recipes for those of you that want to make yourselves look better for those snob nosed neighbors of yours at the next block party. Place a smirk on your face and indulge yourself in the wonderment that is Cynical Cuisine.