Delicious German Recipes Jerome Henry Author

Delicious German Recipes Jerome Henry Author
Brand: Mountain House
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There is no one way to define German food. The cuisine is as diverse as the country itself with each region having its own specialties. We can say, however, that German food is very tasty; it is rich in tradition and history; and it can satisfy even the most discriminating of palates. German food is becoming increasingly popular. This e-book is a collection of German dishes. The recipes are categorized into Salads, Soups, Vegetables, Main Dishes, Bread & Cakes and Cookies. This is the one cookbook that you need to prepare all your favorite German meals.Here are some sample recipes from this cookbook:Salads:Bayerischer Wurstsalat (Bavarian Sausage Salad)Bayrischer Kartoffelsalat (Bavarian Potato Salad)Fruchtsalat mit Nussen (Fruit Salad with Nuts)Gurkensalat (Cucumber Relish Salad)Hamburger Fischsalat (Hamburg-Style Fish Salad)Heringstopf mit Saurer Sahne (Herring Salad with Sour Cream)Kalter Kartoffelsalat (Cold Potato Salad)Kartoffelsalat mit Biermarinade (Potato Salad/Beer Dressing)Rohkostsalat (Cabbage Fruit Salad with Sour Cream Dressing)Schnittbohnensalat (Green-Bean Salad)Warmer Kartoffelsalat (Hot Potato Salad)Soups:Frische Tomatensuppe (Fresh Tomato Soup)Grunkohlsuppe (Kale and Potato Soup)Gulaschsuppe (Goulash Soup)Gurken Und Kartoffelsuppe (Cucumber and Potato Soup)Krautsuppe (Cabbage Soup)Linsensuppe Mit Frankfurter (Lentil Soup with Frankfurters)Ochsenschwanzsuppe (Ox Tail Soup)Vegetables:Gefullt Krautroladen (Stuffed Cabbage Rolls)Karotten in Bier Gedunstet (Carrots in Beer)Kartoffelpuree Meerrettich (Mashed Potatoes/Horseradish)Kohl Westfalisch (Westphalian Cabbage)Marinierte Toamten (Marinated Tomatoes)Suss-Saures Kartoffelgemuse (Sweet and Sour Potatoes)Main Dishes:Deutsches Beefsteak (German Beefsteaks)Falscher Hase (False Hare (German Meatloaf))Gefullte Kalbsbrust (Stuffed Veal Breast)Kalbsschnitzel Mit Joghurt (Veal Steaks with Yogurt)Kalsbrust Mit Krauterfullung (Veal Breast / Herb Stuffing)Mohren Mit Geschnetzeltern (Beef Strips and Carrots)Rindfleisch-eintopf (Beef Stew)Schweinekotelett in Zweibelsosse (Pork Chops in Onion Sauce)Uberbackener Spinat Mit Kase (Baked Spinach with Cheese)Breads and Cakes:Altdeutxche Brotchen (Old German Muffins)Apfelstrudel (Apple Strudel)Bayerische Vanillecreme (Bavarian Vanilla Cream)Blitzkuchen Mit Apfeln (Apple Cake)Kartoffelpfannkuchen (Potato Pancakes)Rahmapfelkuchen (Apple and Rum Custard Cake)Schokoladenpretzel (Chocolate Pretzels)Weixenkeimbrot (Molasses Brown Bread)Cookies:Gewurzplatzchen (Spice Cookies)Mandel-halbmonde (Almond Crescents)Pfeffernusse (Pepper Balls)Springerle (Molded Christmas Cookies)And Many More Recipes…