Dev-Marathi Shabd-kosh: Swargatil Devanchi Kavitanchi Dictionary Mr Sunil M Palaskar Author

Dev-Marathi Shabd-kosh: Swargatil Devanchi Kavitanchi Dictionary Mr Sunil M Palaskar Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: CreateSpace Publishing
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Yes, every spoken word or sound understood by Maratha language since it is gods’ own language and meaning taken out by using this language. Only thing we have to apply the rules of Maratha language to write down in the Roman Script O! Remind those exile period of vanwas of Lord Ram (staying in forest as punishment or warrior training). Lord Ram. and goddess Sita were staying in Nasik (Maharashtra).from where the Ravan kidnapped goddess Sita and They were heading towards Lanka by his Airplane. During the mid course in mid air Ravan was intercepted by Eagle bird called Jatau’. Ravan injured the bird Jatau. After some time, Lord Ram came searching the goddess Sita. He saw the bird was lying badly wounded on the ground. The Bird Jatau narrated all story to Lord Ram in birds own language. But Lord Ram was incarnation of God was knowing the gods own ‘Maratha language’ could able to decode and understood what the bird was saying since Lord Ram was himself a warrior Maratha God.(Yes those Mavallas (the tribe called Mavall Maratha, constantly wonders on the steppe plane on the horse back while grazing the animals, ships etc. and in the mean time engage into battle field when time demands do the bravery, gallantry work, the Mavall Maratha always fight for social justice, righteous came and do real selfless service, and very respectful people, never forgive danavs but never torture the innocent people, they are the god’s own people.Whenever god wants to kill the greedy, selfish people that are called demons, danavs, and clean up the earth, that time god gives order to only Mavall Maratha selflessly do their service honestly while doing their service they may be killed or but, Maratha never succumbs never bowdown therefore always fighting against the greedy, evil people, against slavery, the number of Marathas are constantly reduced.The Maratha are like the white blood cell into cosmic body of the god, the Maratha are having only the unique quality to judge the difference between what is the right and thewrong thing for welfare of this world (human, animals, nature etc.) that quality is called Vivek in Marathi, similar to human body now the white blood cells decides and act against the harmful cells, bacteria, virus, similarly Marathas take action against those type & living human debris and keep the cosmic body of the god clean)