CRAB. CRAB JEWELRY. CRAB BROOCH, PIN, ACCESSORY. ENAMELED CRAB. ZODIAC SIGN. ZODIAC SIGN JEWELRY. ZODIAC SIGN BROOCH, PIN, ACCESSORY. CANCER. CANCER ZODIAC SIGN. CANCER ZODIAC JEWELRY CANCER ZODIAC BROOCH, PIN, ACCESSORY. HIGH END COSTUME JEWELRY. BIRTHDAY GIFT. ExCELLENT! Fabulous! Happy Birthday Cancerians Pristine yellow gold tone figural, animal, Crab, Zodiac, Cancer brooch. Adorable sea life pin/accessory! A fabulous bright Ruby red enameled, oh so cute, crab! Gorgeous black, French Jet, crystal eyes. What a beautiful creature! The beautiful Crab is sure to bring many smiles! This Crab is adorable! Measurement: 1 inch in length by 1 inch in width. Delightful! Enameled Crab Brooch Figural, Animal, Zodiac, Cancer Pin, Accessory Totally Adorable Bright Ruby Red Enamel Gold Tone Sea Life. Beach