Fish Processing Technology And Product Development A.S. Ninawe Author

Fish Processing Technology And Product Development A.S. Ninawe Author
Categories: Soups, Sea Food
Brand: Narendra Publishing House
412.49 USD 549.99 USD
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This book provides comprehensive details on established fish processing techniques, new processes, quality and allied issues. Various biochemical characteristics of fish and shell fish protein, lipids and its changes during processing and storage are explained in the first chapter of the book. The second chapter is concerned with microbiology of fish and fishery products by focusing its attention on bacteria of public health significance and the deteriorative changes and their assessment in spoilage. Various aspects on seafood consumption are elaborated in the third chapter covering fresh water fish handling, chilling and quality assessment. Fish preservation varies in countries and regional specific and depends on climatic conditions and food habits. Various techniques are used for drying? salting and smoking processing are discussed in the fourth chapter. Seafood export products require freezing and storage. Various aspects of freezing process, types of freezers, freezing time and refrigeration load calculations and latest technology essential for fisheries students and seafood industry are elaborated in fifth chapter. Application of various scientific principles in the solution of problems relating to food preservation by heat has been highlighted in chapter Sixth with canning techniques, machineries used, thermal processing, standard specifications for canned products and quality related problems. Byproducts and waste utilization gain priority due to wider application and prospects this involves preparation of methods of traditional byproducts like, fishmeal, fish oil, fermented products and chitin production etc. These aspects are detailed in seventh chapter. Chapter eight exclusively dedicated with surimibased products, novel fishery products, pickled products and new fishery products with colourful photographs for the benefit of a young students and entrepreneurs. A review about the changes that take place in protein during processing and its impact on physicochemical and functional properties are described in chapter ninth. Packaging place an important role in the preservation and marketing of food products. Flexible packaging, corrugated boards for fishery products and its quality requirements are described in chapter Tenth. Advances in fish processing techniques like HTST process, microwave heating, ohmic heating and extrusion cooking are discussed in 11 th chapter Hazard analysis, Sanitary and Hygienic standards for processing plant, and facilities required for approval of seafood unit are described in twelfth chapter. The book provides an uptodate and comprehensive account of Nutritional aspects fish in Human health, Fish handling practices, Fish Curing, Fish Freezing, Fish canning, Fishery Product development, HACCP concepts, Quality assurance of fishery products. Overall 12 chapters explaining the various aspects of Fish processing technology and product development has completes the book with colour photographs, figures, illustrations and tables. The book will be useful for fishery professionals, policy makers, students, scientists and extension workers as a useful reference material in general and impart significant knowledge on fish processing technology to the student community in specific.