From Lockdown to Knockdown The Fall of America and New World Order: Bible Prophecy for Positive People Richard Ruhling Author

From Lockdown to Knockdown The Fall of America and New World Order: Bible Prophecy for Positive People Richard Ruhling Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: Independently published
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America is falling with numerous systems failing. Healthcare is a major category and here we see Health & Fitness, Diet & Nutrition, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer as examples. Health Care Issues mean a need for healthy habits, not prescription drugs that add to body toxicity and are a leading cause of illness and death. Journal of AMA, 4-15-98.Education is failing with Curricula that focuses on sex and gender with an inability to accept what science tell us is male or female. Laws on Immigration contribute to the fall of America and Islam will be only too happy to see US go down.Some see a collapse coming that could bring martial law and FEMA camps. Our $1 bill says Novus Ordo Seclorum below the pyramid. What’s behind the New World Order? The Bible is the all-time best-seller and it has more information on this than most people realize and it could save our lives, especially if we are Christian patriots planning to fight for gun rights.When Christ was asked about the end of the world, He said to understand the book of Daniel which has a conflict between a ram and goat. Gabriel said Daniel’s vision is at the time of the end, Dan 8:17. Daniel named the Medes & Persians but they are now Iraq and Iran! We will see end-times begin when Muslims take Jerusalem as Zechariah 14:1,2 shows.Daniel wisely opted out of the king’s health plan in Daniel 1. This is also truth about government ‘healthcare’–Dr. Colin Campbell, author of the China Study, Prof. Nutrition at Cornell said our medical system is rotten to the core. If you have health problems, start with health in the Appendix–information that gets 5-star reviews. Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH was board-certified in Internal Medicine before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University.