Great Hunting Adventures Henry E. Prante Author

Great Hunting Adventures Henry E. Prante Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: CreateSpace Publishing
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GREAT HUNTING ADVENTURESThis book is for those readers who want to live a hunter’s adventures vicariously, in the vast expanse of the awesome British Columbia, Canada wilderness… or perhaps those hunters who have experienced the great outdoors, hunting, fishing, wherever they live… and enjoy reading about other hunters’ experiences and even re-living their own adventures…• Who wouldn’t enjoy the view from the top of the Yalakom Mountains, or the Ashnola region’s glistening lakes where one can bump into a California bighorn ram, a mountain goat or mule deer among brilliant autumn colors reflected in mirror-shiny waters?• Who wouldn’t enjoy living, if only for a brief span, in the swamp and gorgeous water world of the Atlin, B.C. region where the largest of our moose roam? Or where mountain caribou and stone sheep often stand etched against an azure sky in unbelievably sharp detail?• Who wouldn’t enjoy a trip along the twisting and turning Coquihalla River as it winds its tortuous, churning course through deep canyons that gleam like molten silver in the light of a harvest moon?• Who wouldn’t love to ride a sure-footed saddle horse on a hunting trip and feel at one with nature?• These were unforgettable experiences for me, bound together by the companionship of good partners. Indeed, while others may stop along our crowded highways to appreciate the scenery and nature - it is the hunter who truly lives the experience as he sits near a game trail and waits for his quarry. A hunter sees the life and death experience in its true perspective.• He might observe a grizzly grazing in a meadow or digging for marmots or hear the bugle of a rutting bull elk, or the dry cough of a bull moose.• He goes to sleep with the chorus of timber wolves singing him a lullaby, yet he also knows that the song probably means death for some creature unlucky enough to cross the wolves. It is all part of the cycle of life.For over 30 years I hunted in B.C. on countless trips through some of the finest hunting country the western world has to offer. I traveled by car, 4×4 truck, trail bike, horse, canoe or river boat, by fly-in aircraft, and even a freight train to reach my fantastic Northwest British Columbia hunting ranges.I have climbed from sea level to the summits of sky-scraping mountains and have hunted every species of game this province has to offer. It was tough going at times - hair-raising, even dangerous - but it was all highly dramatic and beautiful.I am happy and grateful I was able to do it.• Finding game was, of course, always my excuse to get away into the wilderness.• Killing game was of lesser importance - unless I needed venison for my family.• Perhaps I should confess that my hunting philosophy is similar to that of a livestock farmer who cares for his animals and culls his herd only to make a living or to protect the range and propagate only the best of his stock. I believe in conservation and management of our wildlife and fisheries.• I have never been a trophy hunter. But I have, on occasion, killed trophy-sized game. My greatest reward of the hunt was always the unforgettable adventure of living on raw land, in harmony with nature or against all odds.I worked hard for the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Federation. I taught the C.O.R.E. Hunter Training Course & was an active member of the Port Coquitlam & District Hunting & Fishing Club.I loved taking photographs of my adventures.Please do pick up your copy of Great Hunting Adventures in Paperback or in the Kindle Edition today. Your review is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.Great Hunting Adventures Volume 2 will be available in July 2017