Greek Cooking - Traditional Recipes by T. Tolis

Greek Cooking - Traditional Recipes by T. Tolis
Categories: Soups, Sea Food
6.48 USD
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Since prehistoric times, the sun-blessed Greek land generously offered its fortunate inhabitants an exceptionally good quality of produce, so that they could develop the nutritional need of the human body into a sensitive science and art. Gastronomy, one of the most significant manifestations of an entropic and ephemeral applied art, characterizes the ancient cultures of the great civilizations. Hence the French cuisine is a natural evolution, developing through the years from the roots of ancient Roman gastronomy; whereas the Chinese equivalent has its roots in the old Chinese Empire. But in both cases, the historic events and contacts with other nations and cultures enriched and widened the original gastronomic experience. These were either cultural contacts, which contributed new ideas and forms of cooking, or commercial contacts that introduced new products and flavours. This is also what happened with the ancient Greek cookery, which developed into Byzantine cooking owing to the Roman admixture, and later into the modern Greek cuisine, from the influences contributed by the Venetian and Turkish occupation of Greece. However, even today Greek cookery with its wonderful local varieties is basically the same as that described in ancient times by Homer and Hesiod and later in the Hellenistic period by Athenaeus. The sun’s warm rays still caress the olives, vines and fruit The delicate soil of Greece and the mild climate give an especially subtle taste and fragrance to the vegetables, fruit, pulses, cereals and herbs. The Greek seas supply delicious fish and a large variety of other seafood. The meat and fowl, due to the traditional way of feeding, have kept their original taste. In quality, the Greek oil is superior to that of the other Mediterranean countries and Greek wines have a delicate taste and a subtle aroma. To all of the above you should add the warm Greek hospitality, and the joy of life, derived from the bright Greek landscape, and through the paths of tasty delicacies allow yourself to be led to the height of pleasure.