How To Get Food Stamps, Welfare And Other Benefits Andrew Dolan Author

How To Get Food Stamps, Welfare And Other Benefits Andrew Dolan Author
Categories: Soup Bucket, Emergency
Brand: Andrew Dolan
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Millions of people miss out on benefits for which they are eligible. A USDA study showed that although over 40 million unemployed and underemployed people currently receive food stamps (SNAP), the study also estimated that another 20 million people fail to apply because they either do not know that they are eligible for benefits such as food stamps or do not know how to apply for benefits. For example, California, the largest state, has 3 million people whose incomes are low enough to qualify for food stamps but they simply do not apply for food stamps and other government benefit programs for which they are eligible. Those who qualify for one benefit program, such as food stamps, are often income-eligible for additional benefits, such as subsidized cell phones.Millions of Americans are just one paycheck away from becoming unemployment statistics. If it happens to you, you need to know what to do next. This book spells out where to get help after youlose your job, your home, or both. It specifically shows where to apply for government aid programs that offer food, heating bills assistance, subsidized phone service, subsidized housing, subsidized child care, welfare, unemployment insurance and other benefits. This book shows where to apply for food stamps(SNAP) and other food programs that put food on the table, where to apply for heating bills assistance (LIHEAP) and keep the heat turned on during the winter, where to apply for subsidized telephone service (Lifeline) and keep your phone turned on, where to apply for subsidized housing (Section 8) and keep a roof over your head, where to apply for unemployment insurance and keepsome money coming in, and where to apply for welfare (TANF) and other benefit programs.Both the unemployed and the underemployed working poor are eligible to apply. Includes information about benefit programs, the income and assets guidelines used to determine eligibilityfor benefits and hundreds of agency contact phonenumbers (many toll-free) and web sites. Use this book to find out what sorts of government aid programs are available, where to apply and how to keep going during the recession.Table Of ContentsChapter OneApply For Food Stamps (SNAP)Chapter TwoApply For The School Lunch ProgramChapter ThreeApply For Subsidized Housing (Section 8)Chapter FourApply For Heating Bills Assistance (LIHEAP)Chapter FiveApply For Subsidized Phone Service (Lifeline)Chapter SixApply For Welfare (TANF: Temporary Assistance For Needy Families)Chapter SevenApply For Subsidized Child Care(Head Start And Early Head Start)Chapter EightApply For Unemployment InsuranceChapter NineApply For Work Through Online Job BanksChapter TenApply For The WIC ProgramChapter ElevenThe Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)Chapter TwelveFood BanksChapter ThirteenHomelessness Prevention ResourcesChapter FourteenHUD-Approved Housing CounselingChapter FifteenHousing For Homeless VeteransChapter SixteenEmployment And Unemployment StatisticsChapter SeventeenFederal Poverty GuidelinesChapter EighteenReferences