Iron: Essential Element of Life IntroBooks Team Author

Iron: Essential Element of Life IntroBooks Team Author
Categories: Soups, Sea Food
Brand: IntroBooks
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Iron is a very important element that is present in the cells ofboth humans and plants. This is essential for the healthygrowth of a person and plants. Ideally, iron is a mineral thatcarries out various important functions in the human body. Thisiron allows you to maintain the hemoglobin levels in the blood.In addition, it carries the oxygen from lungs to the differentparts of human body besides ensuring that optimal level ofoxygen is maintained in the muscles. Every cell in the humanbody needs iron to stay active and promote sound physicalhealth. It is vital for human beings to take an essential amountof iron in their diet. So, you need to add the food items thathave ample iron in your diet. The body absorbs iron afterthree hours of having food. Basically, deficiency of iron resultsin various diseases. So, it is important for you to maintain theiron level in the body by having iron rich food every day. Youneed to take leafy vegetables, beans, sprouts, root vegetables,dried fruits, cereals, wild rice, macaroni, eggs, seafood, lamb,pork, etc.Read out this book to get a clear cut idea about the belowconceptsIntroductionDifferent roles played by ironVarious health benefits of ironWhat is important about iron?Iron for plantsRole of iron for plantsHow to fight against leaf chlorosisDifferent plants you can grow in iron rich soil