Iroquois Foods and Food Preparation…is by F.W. Waugh…thirty-six varieties of beans raised by the Iroquois are depicted…fifteen varieties of corn, strangely like the Pueblo varieties of corn. Albuquerque Morning Journal, Oct. 23, 1916One of the outstanding features of Iroquois material culture was their aptitude for agriculture.Frederick Wilkerson Waugh’s 1916 book Iroquois Foods and Food Preparation is one of earliest ethnographic publications on Iroquois food ways such as cultivation, preparation and preservation, utensils and materials, recipes, and the social or ceremonial customs surrounding food.Frederick Wilkerson Waugh (1872-1924) was a Canadian self-taught ethnologist and natural historian, and his career with the Anthropological Division of the Geological Survey of Canada, who studied the material culture at Six Nations.ContentsI. CornBoiled Corn BreadBaked Corn BreadSoup from Corn Bread LiquorEarly BreadDumplingsWedding BreadCorn and Pumpkin BreadCorn and Pumpkin PuddingParched Corn Travelling FoodHulled Corn SoupCorn Soup with Nut MeatsCorn Soup with Sunflower SeedsHominyCoarse HominyDried Pumpkin HominyEarly HominyEarly Corn PuddingPopcorn Mush or PuddingPopcorn Soup or Hominy.Green Corn on the CobSuccotashParched Green Corn SoupGreen Corn SoupGreen Corn BakedDried Corn SoupRoasted Corn in the EarGreen Corn Leaf BreadOBSOLETE CORN FOODS.CEREMONIAL CORN FOODS.Bear’s PuddingBuffalo Dance PuddingBall Players’ PuddingFalse-face PuddingII. BEANS AND BEAN FOODS.Green Beans in the PodGreen Beans ShelledFried BeansBeans with CornSoup of Dried BeansBeans and SquashGreen Beans with MeatSweet SoupMashed BeansBeans Mixed with Bread.Bean SoupIII. CUCURBITACEAE OR VINE FOODS.Boiled SquashSquash Baked in AshesMashed SquashSquash Used in Bread-Making.Dried Squash.Pumpkin SaucePumpkin with BeansPreserved CucumbersFried Squash.Dried Pumpkin SauceBaked PumpkinCornmeal and PumpkinHistorical Foods.IV. LEAF, STEM, AND BARK FOODS.V. ROOT FOODS.VI. EDIBLE FUNGIFried MushroomMushroom SoupVII. NUTS AS FOODNuts Used in Bread-making.Nut-meat Gravy.Nut-meat with Potatoes.Nut-meats in Hominy and Corn Soup.VIII. FRUITS USED AS FOODS.IX. GENERAL FOLK-LORE ITEMS.X. ANIMAL FOODS.Kinds Prohibited or Avoided.Other Ceremonial Usages.Mammals.Birds.Batrachians and Reptiles.Fish.Fish Soup.Fish and Potato Soup.Fried Fish.Roasted Fish.Dried FishCrustacea.Insect Foods.Mollusca.XI. SACCHARINE FOODS.Maple Syrup and Sugar.Honey.XII. BEVERAGES.XIII. SALT AS A FOOD MATERIAL.