This is a book for blender 3d users that would like to upgrade their skills in python scripting. The problem is, not all of them knew anything about programming and most of books out there tends to assume that the readers know anything about their books. This book is written by an ex beginner, so it will appeal for other beginners in blender python.This book will guide you to take your first steps in understanding how python works in blender. As you progress through the pages, your knowledge of blender python will increase, starting from how to use the user interface, to learning python, until you can create your own add on script.As I have said before, this book is written by a former newbie, this will may not make you a master of blender python, but it will be enough for any beginners to start their own add on script.This book is not heavy on the technical terms of programming, but instead it will guide the readers through the necessary path similar to the writer’s path in studying python. But it will be a simpler path than the writer have taken, and more systematic.