Living in the Age of the Ram and the Goat: The Coming War Between Iran and the United States as foretold in the book of Daniel Darren Thompson Author

Living in the Age of the Ram and the Goat: The Coming War Between Iran and the United States as foretold in the book of Daniel Darren Thompson Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: Defender Publishing
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Theologians have long believed the vision of the goat and the ram in Daniel chapter 8 describes the rise of Alexander the Great and the defeat of the Persian Empire at his hands. But what if Daniel’s vision isn’t about Alexander the Great but rather about a Greek leader that has not yet come to power? What if we are living in the age of the ram and the goat?The first part of Daniel’s vision describes a ram with two horns, each horn representing a different nation. The ram was seen at the Ulai River, the modern day Karun River in Iran. The two horns are described in verse twenty (of Daniel Chapter eight), they are the kings of Media and Persia, but in modern day terms who are these two countries? Persia is easy, that is Iran. Who is Media? They are a group of people that claim to be a nation yet have no land of their own. They live in Turkey, Iraq and Iran and have been persecuted in all three of these nations. They are the people of Kurdistan, the Kurds. The ram will therefore be an alliance of Iran and the Kurds. Ahmadinejad, the present leader of Iran as of this writing, is no friend to the Kurds living in Iran. However, change may be on the horizon. There are signs of vast discontent in Iran, mostly associated with Ahmadinejad’s mishandling of Iran’s economy and the yearning of Iran’s people for political freedom. A democratic movement is gaining momentum in Iran and one of the chief political forces behind that movement is the Kurds. Therefore the age of the ram may be just around the corner as political upheaval dislodges Ahmadinejad from power and Iran adopts democracy as it new form of government. However, Iran’s revolution will be drawn into war with the United States. This little known prophetic possibility could happen overnight, resulting in rapid unfolding of end-times biblical prophecy.