35 years ago, when we were just a Baby Shop of Pins, Apple Inc. released the Macintosh personal computer. It had a whopping 128k RAM of memory & a graphic user interface in which you used a thing called a “mouse” to click on “icons” to activate certain tasks. Before the Macintosh, all computers were text-based, which meant you operated by typing commands with the keyboard. Can you imagine a life without computers, let alone a mouse?? We know we can’t. The first Macintosh had a 9-inch screen & sold for $2500. Now you can have your own 1-inch Macintosh screen for under $10. The times sure have changed, right? We have 2 versions of the Macintosh computer. First is the iconic “hello.” screen from the classic Macintosh ads from the 80’s & the second being the smiling face icon (originally designed by Susan Kare) which appeared when the computer booted up. Details: Approx. 1" Hard Enamel Black Rubber Clutch ☛ Upgrade to the deluxe locking pin clutch & save on shipping. THIS ITEM REQUIRES TWO (2) DELUxE PIN CLUTCHES https://www.etsy.com/listing/536586558/deluxe-locking-pin-clutches-single-5?ref=shop_home_active_2 ☛ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM FOR UPDATES http://instagram.com/LittleShopofPins Macintosh Apple Computer Smile Enamel Pin, 35Th Anniversary Of Personal