In this book, orchids and mandalas are put to work together to discover the creativity that underlies the world of the person and their environment to develop fully the potential or the gifts we all bring.On the other hand the mythological meaning, cultural and divine spirit of the flowers it is described. The original life gene as a common trunk between the flowers and humans shows us an old and deep relationship.The scientific basis of modern physics, with the theory of relativity, quantum physics, chaos theory and even superstring theory support the work performed with orchids. In addition, more than 40 elixirs of orchids which were developed in Costa Rica, Panamá and Cuba and their healing effects are discussed.It is my intention to increase your connection with energy sources, ancient ones from nature and new frequencies for spiritual development. The attunements to orchids, and devas can be done remotely or presential. You have the right upon to call these energies for meditation just simply saying the affirmation provided at any time. You do not have to be an expert on it to receive the benefits.Any person reading this book has access here in for personal and practitioner use. Only a certified teacher will make the transmission to others and empowerment with conscious permission of the person.You do not have to feel the energies in order to receive and activate them. Your intention asking to receive the benefit is all that is required.Enjoy these beautiful energies and my best wishes for you.