P MS to a T B.J. Taylor Author

P MS to a T B.J. Taylor Author
Categories: Soups, Chicken
Brand: Infinity Publishing
4.49 USD
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Write personal experience inspirational short stories that sell using this easy to remember formula.This formula worked so well for me that I was able to write a story that was accepted by Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope and Miracles.–Judee StappYour formula is fantastic. It has helped many people get into print.–Kay StromI can still hear B.J.’s encouraging words from our time together at a writers conference. Thanks to her, Guideposts selected me as a 2014 workshopper. I applied her winning formula which made the writing process more manageable and allowed me to write with depth and focus. I gained so much invaluable wisdom and gleaned practical insight from her teaching. I’m proof that her tips and formula really do work!–Christie HughesI was so impressed at how easy you made writing inspirational short stories with your P MS to a T formula.–Wanda RosselandAn awesome reference tool for writers presented in a clever and memorable way.–L.A. StruckeI will be published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Multitasking Mom’s Survival Guide. So excited. Thanks for teaching me your formula. The publication of my story is encouragement to the max.–Gwyn Schneck