Perspectives On Arthur Milleby Atma RamThe present volume on Arthur Miller contains fresh perceptive and evaluative essays written by eminent scholars on Miller as a tragedy writer, a critic of contemporary American society and a writer who combines in his works traditional motifs with contemporary concerns and experimentation in forms.The first section of the book ‘Perspectives on Tragedy’ views the concept of tragic hamartia from three standpoints from the point of view of Aurobindo’s Integral Consciousness, as a psychological block, and an offshoot of personal identification. The second part ‘A Critique of Society’ examines the socio-historical dynamics, which has resulted in the collapse of the fabled American Dream and its consequent fallout. The third section ‘Tradition and Modernity’ evaluates Miller’s quest of values amidst present-day neuroses and fixations, the tension between ‘order’ and ‘freedom’, which he pours into expressionistic dramatic mould.The anthology thus provides a fuller understanding and a better appreciation of Arthur Miller, the dramatist.For additional information on publishing your books on iPhone and iPad please visit