Piddle, Puddle, Traffic Jam: Yellow Stone National Park, Mt Rushmore, and other Vacation Destinations in the Rain: Not Another Travel Guide - High Oct

Piddle, Puddle, Traffic Jam: Yellow Stone National Park, Mt Rushmore, and other Vacation Destinations in the Rain: Not Another Travel Guide - High Oct
Categories: brands, Campbell's
Brand: Bob Campbell
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Detailed stops include Yellow Stone National Park and the venerable Old Faithful, but more importantly, the onslaught of buffalo poop - I mean, open and active geologic activity resulting in acts of nature right before your eyes in blazing color.A pause at Custer’s Last Stand at Little Bighorn with a reflection on my past and the incorporated present that’s available to future generations.Harley’s, Hogs, and no hotels with a tour of Mt. Rushmore to visit Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Roosevelt before dropping below the surface to experience Jewel Cave and caverns in South Dakota prior to our transition to Wyoming for a little surprise visit by a bear.Rest stops in Idaho, Montana, and everywhere in between.All this while battling to stay dry while Mother Nature has a good laugh at our expense in this trip to get away from the rain which brings showers and sprinkles to our path to tinkle across the upper interior western states of North America.