Categories: Soups, Chicken
Brand: Xulon Press
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What would you do if you knew your time was short? Pink Lips and Fingertips answers this question through the life of Jeri Ivison Paholek, who was born with a rare heart defect called common ventricle and given a death sentence by the medical community. Instead of retreating inward and playing it safe to extend her years or embarking on extravagant global adventures, Jeri chose to impact the world for Christ-whether by corresponding with convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh on death row or starting a prayer stand immediately after the 9/11 attacks. Her indomitable spirit in the face of death will inspire and captivate. You will not approach life the same way after reading this book. Rick Weber has always searched for greater understanding of his subjects and the obstacles they face. Finding solace and inspiration in their tales goes beyond merely the details of his career, but permeates who Rick is on a personal level. It’s again obvious in his best work to date, Pink Lips and Fingertips. Jeri’s story isn’t just for those of faith, but for those who simply need to understand the will to survive and thrive in the face of life-threatening challenge. -Jason Cole, Yahoo! This is an inspiring story that recognizes all heroes don’t march in parades or speak before crowds. Jeri is petite and literally suffers from a broken heart. But she refuses to disconnect from God, who authors a supernatural miracle activated by love, courage and faith. -Armando Salguero, Miami Herald RICK WEBER graduated from Penn State with a B.A. in journalism. He has won the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism, been honored twice by the Associated Press Sports Editors and contributed to Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Golf Book. He lives in Katy, Texas, with his son, Austin.