Puppies Need Pockets Amy Motto Author

Puppies Need Pockets Amy Motto Author
Categories: brands, Amy's
Brand: Amy Motto
15.95 USD
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This illustrated children’s book, suitable for ages 3-10, tells the story of a puppy, “Cassie,” that is enamored with the beauty of God’s creations in nature. The plot is told through a poem that describes her wanderings with her boy around the neighborhood and a nearby lake. On the way she finds special objects she wants to save.Unfortunately, she has no way to carry them home and she imagines every possible way to gather up her treasures “of the puppy kind”. Full color artwork beautifully illustrates each stanza, highlighting the beauty of God’s wonderful creations.One day as she stands in her backyard a coat is blown off the clothesline, she jumps into it and it “settles softly ‘round her head.” It is covered with pockets, now giving her a way to bring her precious articles home (to “keep them safe…and hide.”) This makes her “dance with glee!” She picks up all her prizes and hurries home to bury them.