Rewind + Record The Stereo Primary Artist

Rewind + Record The Stereo Primary Artist
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: Fueled By Ramen
17.99 USD
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The Stereo are a band who have emerged from the world of melodic punk but have a real propensity for super-rock gestures. Though they lack the outright catchiness of Maladroit, {|the Stereo|} are closest to {|Weezer|} in sound and in their earnest ability to flirt with genres that might not have the most indie credibility. For Rivers Cuomo, it’s the metal of his youth; for the Stereo’s Jamie Woolford, it’s {|Journey|} and {|Billy Joel|}. On {|Rewind + Record|}, Woolford isn’t too proud to throw in the occasional heartfelt solo (Pay No Attention) or build a song around a jaunting, ’70s piano melody (Don’t Say Uncle, Stop Breathing). It is actually the touches of arena rock that sound the freshest, too – rehashed pop-punk numbers like You Better Believe It fall flat, while the spare and syrupy Too Little, Too Late feels genuine and original. Perhaps, like Cuomo, Woolford will continue to abandon the songwriting that is expected of him and follow his inner stadium rock star – then the Stereo will give listeners the unabashed hit album that they have all the potential for.