The Baciagalupe of Avenue B by Carl Giardina

The Baciagalupe of Avenue B by Carl Giardina
7.55 USD
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The Baciagalupe of Avenue B A DEVISHLY FUNNY MYSTERY NOVEL AND SICILIAN COOK BOOK A nostalgic glimpse into the life of a mischievous twelve year old Italian/American boy attempting to solve the mystery of his girlfriend’s missing father. The characters depicted in this colorful novel are based on real people who lived in this East Village neighborhood during the 1950’s.Among the unique suspects in this hilarious mystery novel are;his wife, his mistress, a prejudice police sergeant, local Mafiosi, a foul mouthed priest and an assortment of other characters. This one of a kind book also contains over fifty authentic Sicilian recipes that are mentioned in this novel .These delicious recipes are presented in an amusing fashion but were really prepared by author’s mother and are a tribute to her mastery of Sicilian cuisine.

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