This special re-print edition of the Wensleydale Blue-faced Sheep Breeders Association’s book The Flock Book of Wensleydale Blue Faced Sheep, Volume 13 contains contains historical information on Wensleydale Sheep. The Wensleydale is a breed of domestic sheep that originated in the Wensleydale region of North Yorkshire, England. Possessing a blue-grey face, the breed was developed in the 19th century by crossing English Leicester and Teeswater sheep. One of the largest and heaviest of all sheep breeds, the Wensleydale has long, ringlet-like locks of wool. The Wensleydale is a large long wool sheep with a distinctive grey black face, ears and legs. The ears are slightly elongated and stand upright. They are naturally polled and have a tuft of long wool on top of the head which is not typically sheered (for aesthetic purposes). Wool from this breed is acknowledged as the finest lustre long wool in the world. The fleece from a purebred sheep is considered kemp free and curled or purled on out to the end. Rams weigh about 300 lbs and ewes about 250 lbs. Written in 1893, included are registration details of British bred Wensleydale Sheep flocks in the 1890’s, leading rams and ewes, prizewinners of the day, breeder association activities and practical information on Wensleydale Sheep. A treasure house of information for those interested in the history of the Wensleydale Sheep. Note: This edition is a perfect facsimile of the original edition and is not set in a modern typeface. As a result, some type characters and images might suffer from slight imperfections or minor shadows in the page background.