The Ink of My Soul & The Fire In My Bones Frederick Ethan DeAbreu Author

The Ink of My Soul & The Fire In My Bones Frederick Ethan DeAbreu Author
Categories: brands, Amy's
Brand: AMIE Books
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The Ink of My Soul and the Fire in My Bones, is a thoughtful, and vividly descriptive story of one young man’s battle with his Quarterlife Crisis. The story opens with a sense of urgency, and panic as Ethan realizes he is about to graduate college with a degree, but elicits no joy from his work. He wonders what ever happened to his passion, and begins to reflect upon his most intimate memories, and experiences to understand how he got to this point. As he sifts through his feelings, he is forced to face the deep emotional trauma of his past. He comes to understand that his current sense of identity had been limited by unwittingly allowing himself to be defined by events from his past. When he found the courage to begin facing the pieces of himself that he was ashamed of, he found the strength to forgive himself, and those who had hurt him. The author has a unique voice that combines elements from poetry, philosophy, and personal enrichment books. He avoids the typical clichés of personal development by allowing his reader to come their own conclusions about life, rather than strictly outlining another thirty-two step plan to be a millionaire by the time you are thirty-two type of book. The stories he tells immerses the reader deep into the landscape of his mind, and opens up a conversation for change.