The Most Elusive Scent of All Arthur Winarczyk Author

The Most Elusive Scent of All Arthur Winarczyk Author
Categories: Organic Soups
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A tale told by a dimension - a living consciousness to which some psychic minds are attune to. A tale about the Sicilian Mafia in the 18th century. The consciousness projects mental images of this period. Images of people, faces rarely distinct, in different situations. The opening words of Chapter 8 is one way to explain such projections: ”With night came a fierce storm with thunder and lightning and dark visions. Maria slept poorly, tossing and turning.” The tale is developed to fit cohesively into those images. A tale about a Way of Life - not about organized crime. In the depression of the 1930’s it was the gangster Al Capone who organized soup kitchens for hungry children in Chicago USA – such a compassionate deed. Why? To aid the very poor is as much a trait of the Sicilian Mafia as are profits from prostitution. Prostitution always has been one of the largest sources of revenue for the Mafia. The Mafia Way of Life is not easily understood. One reason is that word Mafia is a modern invented word. This tale is about the people that became part of the Mafia in that period, about their background and what led them to accept this Way of Life. People like Pedro, an ox of a man and bodyguard; or Paulo, so talented and saving the life of a woman who would become his wife sets him on a path of no return; of Anastasia and Romeo, a high class prostitute and a killer who fall in love. Central to the tale is the seduction of the first Mafia priest which begins with mysterious notes slid under the church door. … in a room full of women I saw her face… When the Vatican hears a whisper in the wind young Sister Lucy becomes the key to solving the mystery “what does Mafia want with our priests?” Some still want the Sicilian Mafia to be a myth – but read a modern researched book such as Into the Heart of the Mafia by David Lane and the question you may ask is not who in Sicily is Mafia – but who is not? It is a Way of Life ancient in origin. The reader needs to bear in mind too that the original woman’s perfumes could only be made from an essence of a flower found on a tree that only grows in Italy. Thus the Most Elusive Scent mentioned all too often could have been the first true perfume ever discovered. Any wonder that scent had a powerful effect on men? And if we were to ask the Sicilian Mafia dimension what is the one word that can best explain Sicilian Mafia the answer is “si”. Italian for “yes”. Only a born Sicilian can say “si” and “cosa nostra” (our thing; our way) the Mafia way of saying those words. In Sicily there is even a Mafia (cosa nostra) museum and it is ever so popular with tourists!