The Power of Holistic Home Remedies: Natural Home Remedies Revealed MarTar Media Author

The Power of Holistic Home Remedies: Natural Home Remedies Revealed MarTar Media Author
Categories: Soups, Chicken
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At least you have your health, is a common saying which conveys that no matter how bad things are, if you have your health, you’ll have the ability to turn things around. That’s why we spend so much time and money trying to keep our health or regain it. It’s also a national obsession. Our governments spend millions on research, and yet we seem to have reached a plateau. We’re living longer, but not necessarily better, lives because we’re plagued with chronic diseases which severely affect our quality of life.Americans and other Western societies are rapidly realizing that allopathic medicine can often make you sicker in the long run. The U.S. spends more on healthcare than any other nation in the world yet ranks a dismal number 38 in an index measuring overall health and well-being! Doctors rely on an arsenal of pharmaceuticals, but the side effects from these potent drugs kill more than 100,000 Americans annually. That’s where holistic home remedies come in. Natural therapies are less expensive, significantly safer, and more holistic than traditional medicine. And instead of side effects they often have a host of side benefits. That’s because just one herb can contain hundreds of compounds that work together synergistically to address a range of health conditions. For example, hawthorn is often used to help control high blood pressure, but it also improves your overall mood and energy levels.What are home remedies?The term home remedies covers a broad range of healing modalities. It can be as simple as the chicken soup your grandmother made when you had a cold and made sure you finished the very last drop. Or as complex as the healing practices of Ayurvedic medicine. It depends on your culture and background.Ultimately, it refers to remedies which have been passed down from generation to generation, and which often have a history of hundreds of years, and in some cases longer. These remedies can be comprised of plants, foods, or even therapies and practices such as meditation or acupuncture. They tend to be natural and are sometimes outside the realm of modern medicine.Who uses home remedies?The use of home remedies has become widespread since a surge of interest in alternative health practices in the 1990’s. Practically everyone from the average person to medical professionals use some form of holistic home remedy whether they realize it or not. Gargling with saltwater, eating chicken soup when you have a cold, or even taking a teaspoon of honey for a cough, have all been passed down for generations.What you’ll learn: This eBook will cover not just the basics of holistic home remedies but will also explore the health problems which can be safely and effectively treated with home remedies, as well as specific considerations for seniors and children.Chapter 1 begins by covering the philosophy and principles of holistic medicine, while also going over the benefits of using home remedies.In Chapter 2, we prepare you to do the research necessary to ensure that using a holistic remedy is right for you and your condition. You’ll be able to determine whether a home remedy is a better alternative than traditional medicine, or vice versa.Once you move into Chapter 3, you’ll be able to find remedies for specific ailments, from acne to stress.Chapter 4 will help you stock your own home remedy medicine cabinet. You’ll learn about the essential plants and herbs that you should have on hand.Finally, in Chapter 5, we’ll address the use of home remedies for your family.Start reading more from The Power of Holistic Home Remedies eBook right now!