The Sand River Roger Campbell Author

The Sand River Roger Campbell Author
Categories: brands, Campbell's
Brand: Roger Campbell
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Third book in the Shiberals series.Felven is an elf who reaches adulthood the day he returns home from a three year trip across The Island. HIs father took him on the business trip so the lad could obtain experience. Beside securing knowledge on how to run the family’s silver business Felven discovers the hard way what must be learned to be one and due to many battles does become a combat harden warrior.The Silver Hills is the first in the series. The book focuses on Felven returning home to find he now has new opponents to fight. Valley of Vines continues the adventure as Felven and his friends learn much about The Island and begin to put together a plan to rescue their families. Felven sees the Valley as a safe haven even though no sane creature will go there. The third book The Sand River is an interesting ride on an unusual river.In The Sand River Felven and friends find out they are no longer the past. Now they are their own future. They make the final leap from being plain teens to being the ones who will now lead their village.A LOT OF GREEN