To Shine with Honor, Book One: Coming of Age Joseph Scott Amis Author

To Shine with Honor, Book One: Coming of Age Joseph Scott Amis Author
Categories: brands, Amy's
Brand: Joseph Scott Amis
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Galien de Coudre, scholarly third son in a family of minor nobility, comes of age in the perilous world of late 11th century France, where powerful noblemen massacre the other and innocents in unending petty warfare over lands and silver, despite the efforts of the Church to control their violence.Galien, educated for the priesthood, trained at arms and horse by his father and older brothers, all knights, finds his once-certain future as a high Church official compromised by family misfortunes. Through a series of wrenching events, he discovers his own destiny as events in France and the distant Holy Land draw inexorably toward the great war of faiths known in history as the First Crusade.