Under Different Stars Sean M. Campbell Author

Under Different Stars Sean M. Campbell Author
Categories: brands, Campbell's
Brand: Sean M. Campbell
9.95 USD
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From a Donna in the mob searching for revenge,to a prospector contemplating his own death aroundan alien world, journeys through the imagination arelimitless.The intrepid crew of the Ticonderoga ply the spaceways filled with humor and erotic adventures, while onearth an ancient spaceship who has yet to be createdrecruits a hero.On a distant planet a man must venture into themost dangerous forest in existence to rescue thewoman he loves.A pair of young lovers find eternity together.A man comes home to find his home has changed,drastically.A lifeboat drifts through space with a man and womancontemplating their fate.What do they all have in common?They all occur Under Different Stars.