You're Not Alone: Exit Journeys of Former Mormons Jessica Bradshaw Author

You're Not Alone: Exit Journeys of Former Mormons Jessica Bradshaw Author
Categories: Soups, Chicken
Brand: CreateSpace Publishing
9.99 USD
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When someone leaves a high-demand religion, it often seems like NO ONE can relate. In fact, it’s one of life’s biggest frustrations: discover the truth, and you have absolutely nowhere to turn. Leaders say to doubt your doubts; your spouse may consider divorce; your kids are broken-hearted; your extended family alternates between prayer and avoidance because anything you say is of the devil…no matter what it is. It can be terrifying to acknowledge your doubts, let alone to confront the aftermath of discovering your religion was not what it claimed. Knowing that, the author reached out to a few other former Mormons and asked them to share their journeys in a chicken-soup-for-the-ex-Mormon-soul-style compilation. This collection of 23 exit stories represents those willing and eager to remind other brave, honest souls confronting their cognitive dissonance, fears, and doubts that they’re NOT alone, that others have been there, and we all think about, cope, and struggle with it in different ways. Perhaps you’ll find a story in this book to which you relate; maybe you’ll relate to them all. Either way, this book is intended to serve as a reminder that - as McLean’s song says! - YOU ARE NOT ALONE.