30 Days to Happiness: Setting Yourself Up to Win in Life (Happiness Series, #1) Liah Kraft-Kristaine Author

30 Days to Happiness: Setting Yourself Up to Win in Life (Happiness Series, #1) Liah Kraft-Kristaine Author
Categories: Soups, Chicken
Brand: Liah Kraft-Kristaine
14.97 USD
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This life transforming program book was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show! Why did Oprah’s producers call Liah? Because this book is a jewel –a fast, easy way to go from down to up, from uncomfortable to confident, from powerless to bursting with energy and knowing that you can make your life work! How can you create personal change on a deep level? By re-patterning your habitual responses to events of your life over a period of time. And that happens by daily reinforcement, helping you to build new neural pathways in the brain. Step-by-step, and day by day, you are guided by Liah for 30 days to use new actions, thoughts and attitudes. You grow stronger, you shine more, and you understand so much better how life works, and how you are affecting your life. And when you understand the unseen realities behind the physical world and the part you play in it, you can never go back to forgetting who you really are, and the power you have to shape your own life into what you want! What will you gain from 30 Days to Happiness?Unmistakable new energy: physical, mental and emotionalTools to turn around negative responses and feelings such as fear, jealousy, angerHelp to clear out longstanding or imbedded inner barriersLearn to make a breakthrough in appreciating and valuing yourselfGain control over the direction of your life Understand how emotion is connected to creating our livesGuidance to use imagination to manifest opportunities and circumstances This program of daily processes will guide you step by step into a strong and shining self with a new, fulfilling life! And when you own one of Liah’s books, you are given free access to Liah’s monthly LIVE Q&A sessions on Zoom. Just go to the LifeKraft or LiahKK websites and see the Events tab to learn how to join in! Liah also offers a 30-day video e-course, The Happiness Tune Up, and a television special on PBS, The Myths of Happiness, with Liah Kraft-Kristaine as the show host.I highly recommend this wonderful program of wisdom, energy, and enlightenment! - Dr. Wayne Dyer, TV personality and best-selling author This profound book touches all major areas of life. It leads readers not only to think differently, but to act in ways that will increase their happiness. I found Liah’s book to be wise, enjoyable and uplifting. - Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul book series30 Days to Happiness has changed my life because it changed me! I didn’t know how to deal with the depression I was feeling. In just taking one idea and one day at a time, I moved myself out of the dark place I had been and into a place where I’m able to direct my focus and feelings toward energy! -Susan Blackwell, BostonI won’t go a single day without opening this book to remind me of what I want to remember to keep on the right course. - Alana Webber, Sydney, AustraliaI had my entire sales team use this book after hearing Liah give a seminar, and it affected everyone so positively with a noticable increase in energy, solution-finding skills, and better decision-making. - W. Campbell, Capgemini Corp. Every member of our group therapy practice gets this book in order to give a clear pathway to better emotional intelligence. This has really helped my practice! - Jay Seymour, Minneapolis, MN