Babu Jagajivan Ram Subra Manian Author

Babu Jagajivan Ram Subra Manian Author
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The Congress party worked for the freedom which we enjoyed now. The leaders who secrified their lives for the cause of freedom fighting. After independance, the people respected and honoured the congress leaders for their valuable service Babu Jagjivan Ram was one of the greatest leaders in India. He had worked for the up liftment of SC/ST people. Congress Party did service of eradicating untonchability and caste - Descrimination. They gave much important to SC/ST’s and give them reservation in Lok Shaba and state Assamblies. They gave so many schemes for the social and Economical Condition of those people. Her excellency Smt. Miera Kumar is the chairman of Dr. Ambedkar Foundation. She has done so many welfare measures of Dalit people. Her excellency Smt Sonia Gandhiji the chair person of India Govt has introduced, Babu Jagjivan Ram Foundation. It will help to take the famous and name of Babuji’s to the remote areas of all over India. Babuji was a great leader and hard working freedom fighter. His aims and ideas should reach the people. Mr. U. Subiramanian has written Babuji’s life history in Tamil language. He has collected the matters and brought a good book. It will very useful to know about him in the whole world because English is an international language. Babuji is the founder of Bharatiya Dalit Sahitya Akademi, He has a forethought and estabilished one Akademi, to do services to the Dalit. It should done the Geniuone service that will please the soul of Babuji .