Cluttered Clippings: The Musings of a Soul on the Mend A.M. Evans Author

Cluttered Clippings: The Musings of a Soul on the Mend A.M. Evans Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: A.M. Evans
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If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart. Then in living – I have made my mark. ~ Thomas L. Odem, Jr. (American actor)I am a writer at heart. My love for art and creativity was stunted at a young age because of an elder’s opinion. I showed a work of art I was so proud of, which was completely dismissed with the remark, You will not make money out of that, you know? As an Asian American, I grew up in a household and a society that dictates your worth through grades and accomplishments, honors and medals, accolades, and how successful you are in life. I have learned unhealthy coping mechanisms by measuring my worth in terms of what I could achieve in life, not knowing that I was inherently worthy. I was then catapulted into a profession in healthcare that I offered my love and passion for and held it noble for 30+ years of my life. I have gained accomplishments and accolades in my chosen profession for over three decades. I have been active and held positions within my profession’s association.I started developing health issues when I was only 28. I was diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder when I was 35. Later, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder when I was 40. One after another, health issues kept appearing, but I was functional, so I kept going. I was driven. I was passionate. I was unstoppable. In 2019, at a time when I was about to reach yet another rung on the ladder of my career life, LIFE HAPPENED. I was hospitalized with a severe infection in my right eye, which resulted in two eye surgeries. That’s what I called my Universal Sucker Punch. As I lay in the hospital bed that July evening, I returned to my blog link that was left untouched for years and started writing. I kept on writing as part of my healing process. As one illness peeled away, another one came along, and then another, and yet another. LIFE REALLY DID HAPPEN. I came to realize I was being re-directed to my real life’s purpose – authentic connections – using my innate creativity, my skills and talent, and life experiences.This is how Cluttered Clippings came about. Cluttered Clippings — the musings of a cluttered mind, body, and soul as I try to heal. Cluttered Clippings – sometimes there is no rhyme nor reason to what I write, and yet I hold each of them sacred because they are my own and because they are the channels that I use as I heal. They are my vehicle toward complete and conscious awareness — mind, body, and soul.As I write this preface, I am still in the process of healing. I am a work in progress. I am still learning to own my yeses and noes, still realizing how to stand in my power. I believe healing, like learning, is a lifelong process, and I am happy to share this healing process with you. There is a reason you picked up this book. As the spiritual leader, Ram Dass, once said, We are just walking each other home. This book is my hand over your shoulder as we head together toward a place we all call home. I hope you reflect on each musing. Slow down and contemplate.As always… AnnaAuthor. Teacher. Friend. Healer. Healing