The Formidable Fighter Series is a series of booklets for martial artists desiring to learn the concepts that create formidable fighters in the training hall, competition arena, and street. Each booklet is between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length and includes fighting scenarios, training tips, and illustrations. Finishing the Fight, the fourteenth and final booklet in the series, is approximately 25 pages long and deals particularly with how to know at which point the fight is finished and the opponent can no longer rise against you. Since the advice is not style specific but explores the underlying concepts of personal combat, it is applicable to students of most martial styles.Finishing the Fight includes discussions and exercises on how to determine whether to attack or wait when under threat, whether to finish the fight with strikes and kicks or on the ground, and how to finish the fight when struck by debilitating exhaustion.Rather than thinking of specific techniques, condition yourself to think in terms of concepts or goals, and of what outcome you are trying to achieve. If you follow the instruction and tips in the Formidable Fighter Series, you will learn how to develop your physical strength and mental tenacity and triumph as a fighter in the training hall, ring, and street.Formidable Fighter: The Complete Series, a compilation of all previously published electronic books in this series, is now available to a great reduction in price in both electronic and print format. The book is a variation of the previously published book (now out of print), Combat Fitness for the Elite Female Martial Artist, also by Martina Sprague, revised to be particularly suitable also for the male student.