Jewel From The Sea Lucy O Author

Jewel From The Sea Lucy O Author
Categories: Soups, Noodle
Brand: The Big O
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A woman, naked and alone, washed ashore without any memory of her past…An exiled king turned pirate, with a deadly hook and a thirst for vengeance…When a woman who can’t remember her name is rescued from a coral island by a ship full of lusty pirates, she and the dangerous captain feel an immediate connection. But the Pirate Code is absolute – every member of the crew must share in any captured booty – even a beautiful naked woman’s booty.The captain is under a curse – he will meet two alluring sirens in his life, both gifts from the sea. One will bring a new world of peace to his kingdom; the other will bring his doom. Though he’s drawn to his lovely captive, he has no way of knowing if she’s a blessing or a curse, so he fights his feelings and pushes her to his eager crew. Mermaids love as freely as dolphins, without shame or commitment, and though the captive girl is confused, she finds she actually welcomes the variety of lovers and their new tricks of arousal. Bondage, flagellation and forced fellatio bring her to ecstasy again and again. But she yearns only for the handsome, dangerous captain. Read a sample of JEWEL FROM THE SEA:…Then the assault began in earnest. Someone took me by the hair and pulled my head back so I gasped. One of the men was on his knees before my face, fumbling with his laced breeches. Behind me someone lifted me by my hips and wedged his body against mine, forcing my legs still farther apart. I was twisted this way and that as they vied for my breasts. Hands pressed on every inch of my exposed, vulnerable flesh. They held me far too tightly for me to even think of fighting. All I could do was moan weakly. Soon I wouldn’t even be able to do that, as the one who held my hair made ready to stopper up my mouth. The only reason I wasn’t already plugged in every orifice was that the sea makes material stiff, and their work-roughened hands, over-eager, were clumsy as they pulled at their buttons and laces. Fingers did what their cocks could not yet – but soon would – accomplish. My buttocks were prized apart and fat fingers poked wherever they could.Then there it was, the engorged cock of the first man who had called out to me from the ship. He was the one who claimed he had a fat sausage to stuff inside me, and he wasn’t lying. His rod was squat and thick like an oaken barrel of rum, blunt-tipped and dark-colored, thickly veined. “Lick it for me, girl,” he said, his eyes half-closed, his breath coming fast. “Quick with your tongue like a thirsty little cat. Sup up my cream, girl.” He took hold of the hair at the back of my head and made to ram my parted lips. Behind me I heard the tearing of fabric as the one poised to enter me gave up trying to undo his breeches and gave them a savage rip. I felt his hard, hot meat slamming against the deep cleft of my buttocks, and again as he shouted to his mates, “Back off, ye whore’ s arses. I can’t aim with you pressing on me like that.”I was trembling, with fear, certainly, but with something else, too, an instinctive randiness that left me utterly confused. This was not right, a voice screamed inside of me, while another part of me panted in heat, eager to be filled in every way. And so it was with a strange mixture of relief and sharp regret that I heard a rich voice call out with absolute command, “Stop!”That was all it took. One word, from that man, had such power that all their goatish rutting ceased in an instant. They were poised, cocks a-ready, hands grasping, but as perfectly frozen as if they had turned to stone…