The Formidable Fighter Series is a series of booklets for martial artists desiring to learn the concepts that create formidable fighters in the training hall, competition arena, and street. Each booklet is between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length and includes fighting scenarios, training tips, and illustrations. Mustering the Forces, the first booklet in the series, is approximately 25 pages long and sets the stage for the training that is to follow, so that you can step up and break the barrier that prevents you from reaching your full potential. Since the advice is not style specific but explores the underlying concepts of personal combat, it is applicable to students of most martial styles.Mustering the Forces includes discussions and exercises on how to approach your training when coming to class, from warm-up to basics, including technique, forms, and sparring practice. It also discusses the mindset you should adopt prior to your next lesson.Martial arts, combat, fighting, whatever you call it, goes hand-in-hand with courage, toughness, dedication, and focus. What sets the formidable fighter apart from other martial artists is that he or she approaches the training with the intent of developing a physical and psychological edge. If you follow the instruction and tips in the Formidable Fighter Series, you will learn how to develop your physical strength and mental tenacity and triumph as a fighter in the training hall, ring, and street.Formidable Fighter: The Complete Series, a compilation of all previously published electronic books in this series, is now available to a great reduction in price in both electronic and print format. The book is a variation of the previously published book (now out of print), Combat Fitness for the Elite Female Martial Artist, also by Martina Sprague, revised to be particularly suitable also for the male student.