Real Belonging: Give Siblings Their Right to Reunite: Camp to Belong 25th Anniversary Edition Lynn S. Price Author

Real Belonging: Give Siblings Their Right to Reunite: Camp to Belong 25th Anniversary Edition Lynn S. Price Author
Categories: Soups, Chicken
Brand: Lynn Price
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In telling her own true story in Real Belonging, Lynn Price masterfully weaves in lessons to benefit all youth and families involved in foster care, and even those that are not. Lynn tells stories showing the twists, triumphs, setbacks, myths and facts of the journey through the system, and in doing so, proves that nothing in a child’s life can compare to the sibling bond. Those in the social services including caseworkers, foster, adoptive and kindship providers will find great insights in this book. And most importantly, kids and foster families-every family-will find hope.- LeAnn Thieman, Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Caregiver’s SoulIt’s no secret that our most sacred institutions have been rocked to the core and it has adversely affected our nation’s youth. But in this book, Lynn Price demonstrates that we all still need to belong to something bigger than ourselves and she shows how we can make others feel as if they do belong and they really do matter. This is a must read for anyone who has kids, likes kids, or is a kid at heart.- Eric Chester, award-winning speaker and bestselling authorAs a foster child, not only was Lynn able to reunite my sister and me with my brothers (who lived with our aunt) for an amazing week at camp each year, she also taught me there were no limitations no matter who you were. She made it OK to be a foster child and let foster children know they’re not alone. Read this book so your life is changed as much as mine was.- Amber, former CamperIt is because of Lynn and her passion for the sibling bond that allows me to have a relationship with my brother. It is because of Camp that I had someone to walk me down the aisle when I got married. Someone to share pictures of my son with when he was born. Someone for my son to call uncle. Many people take their siblings for granted, but for my brother and me, we are the only stability that we have had through the rough patches in life and we wouldn’t be able to say that, or share any experiences like we have, without Lynn taking her hardship and making it something to help others.- Kayla, former Camper