The Great Awakening and The Great Reset...A Masonic Blend of Dark and Light Magick Gregory Lessing Garrett Author

The Great Awakening and The Great Reset...A Masonic Blend of Dark and Light Magick Gregory Lessing Garrett Author
Categories: Soup Mixes, Soup mix
Brand: Barnes & Noble Press
4.32 USD
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The Great Reset and The Great Awakening share a common Godless worship of self and emphasis on Pride.1. The Great Reset, with its Jezebel Spirit of sexual promiscuity, LGBTQ perversity and immorality, drug intoxication, Satanism, child sacrifice (abortion) sloth, a Gay Pride, shares the same Godless fixation on self that The Great Awakening does, but simply from a self-indulgent position.2. The Great Awakening, on the other hand, with its extreme, NAZI-style Nationalism, prideful fixation on draining the swamp of The American Deep State, anti-Liberalism, and anti-Communism shares the same Godless fixation on self that The Great Reset Jezebel Spirit does, but with a self-righteous, vitriolic tendency. Both movements are self worshipping and Godless, and both exhibit Pride for their particular causes and achievements. The Great Awakening is, essentially, a form of counterfeit Christianity with a counterfeit worship of God, which is in a war to destroy The Pagan Baal worshipping Jezebel Liberal Left.What is happening with The rise of The Great Awakening is very similar to what happened in NAZI Germany when The Weimar Republic experienced hyperinflation, much like America is now. The Weimar Republic was Germany’s government from 1919 to 1933, the period after World War I until the rise of Nazi Germany. It was named after the town of Weimar where Germany’s new government was formed by a national assembly after Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated. From its uncertain beginnings to a brief season of success and then a devastating depression, the Weimar Republic experienced enough chaos to position Germany for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.And just as Hitler swooped in to save the day with his Aryan Mythos of a Third Reich in a thousand year reign of Counterfeit Catholicism and self-worshipping Nationalism, including a clean up of what he saw as a vicious form of Jewish Communism, which was contaminating Germany, The Great Awakening is seeking to repeat what Hitler did, using the same anti-Communism, and dare I say, anti-Ashkenazi Jew talking points, which will no doubt end up the same way as Hitler’s occult empire, crumbling in its own ashes as The United Nations and World Economic Forum subsumes all the collateral damage into Borg Monster of One World Government. This entire thing could spiral out once again and cycle one more time, or go straight into world collapse in preparation for the appearance of The Antichrist…hard to tell.1. The red color is The Great Awakening Nationalistic Conservative Party. 2. The blue color is The Great Reset Liberal Communist Party3. The black Dark is The Satanism of The Great Reset Liberal Communist Party4. The yellow Light is New Age False Love and Light of The Great Awakening Nationalistic Conservative Party.5. The blending of these two bipartisan colors, red and blue, is the Magick of The Royal Purple of Freemasonry.2nd Timothy 3:1-2; KJV1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.